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Welcome to Cameo Dachshunds!

Cosmo and Cassi
Meet Cosmo all grown up. He is above and to the right with his sister Cassi. Both from Rusty, Cosmo from Blue Belle and Cassi from Khaleesi.

We are very pleased you have arrived at our website and hope you enjoy looking at our dogs.
A little history about us....I grew up with a father that was a police dog trainer. We had a kennel that was most of our backyard and always had German Shepherd puppies to play. We helped dad obedience train the dogs and assisted him with protection training. Every weekend and after school, that is what we did.
This led me to a 15 year career as a Vet Tech and that is where I first experienced the miniature Dachshund. My grandparents had standard dachshunds but these little ones won my heart! I just adored them, their demeanor, their attitude, the brains behind those little eyes and the oh so many different personalities.....
but always had German Shepherds and/or Rottweilers at any given time like my dad.
After an eight year stretch of having NO dogs due to being burned out, we decided it was time and agreed on a black and tan miniature dachshund that we named Dixie. She is my husband's spoiled baby and is known to everybody as "The Princess". Dixie goes everywhere with us and is always ready to go for a ride.
That was the beginning and now we have a very small scale, home based breeding program that has grown into a Cameo Network with friends doing the same.
We strive to produce real, miniature sized dachshunds with AKC conformation standards in mind and superb temperaments as this is very important to us!
We love to make people happy with our puppies love to see the joy they bring to other peoples lives.
We do not just sell you a dog, you become part of our dachshund family!
I'm so excited that Cameo Dachshunds was able to contribute to this book, released July 2020, by sharing my experiences and love for the dachshund breed!
This book is wonderful read, whether you are new to the breed or have had them for years. Packed full of information from diet, possible health issues, training and fun dachshunds bring into our lives.
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